Leadership is a way of being.


I am dedicated to developing and improving your leadership style at every stage of your career.  I combine sensitive, positive, and constructive coaching to build the management communication strengths that are critical to your success as a leader.

With a clearly communicated vision, your goals as a leader are to consistently motivate and empower people, demonstrate thought leadership, and inspire successful planning and execution. It's more than what you say, it's how and when you say it. Leadership is a way of being. You model the decision making and action that become the hallmark of your organization. 


Like your leadership needs, the services I offer are diverse. For example:

Coaching During Career Transitions Together we work to enhance your leadership through more effective and efficient communication both within your organization and in external exposures.  I work with you to target your leadership objectives; design a personal leadership approach; and hone the skills necessary for successful implementation.

Consulting on Specific Leadership Issues The areas we can focus on can include projecting leadership presence; generating trust and confidence; enhancing your personal communication style; running meetings; designing important presentations; delivering your presentations and speeches; giving impromptu talks; interviewing; being interviewed; and preparing you for television talk shows.

Building Interpersonal Skills We focus on your specific areas of personal growth, such as overcoming limitations of style (inflexibility, indecisiveness, too reserved, poor listener, passive or aggressive); handling your potential discomfort in selected situations (comfortable one-on-one but not with large groups, comfortable with peers but not with higher level executives, directive but not interactive); and managing distracting speech patterns and mannerisms.

Feel free to print this more detailed list of Consulting Services.

I have served as faculty of Harvard Business School, Columbia Master’s Degree Program for Executives, Yale School of Organization and Management and The New Seminary.

I am an advocate and leader in creating a harmonious and respected business climate that inspires pride of accomplishment, peace of mind, and personal and financial growth. I support women as senior management; diversity at the highest levels of the organization; and the integration of worldwide cultures. 

I am the author of Present Your Best Self Under Stress which is in its fifth edition. 

To schedule a meeting, please contact me. 


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Present Your Best Self Under Stress

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